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After School

EXPLORE Programs operate at all nine school campuses in the Rio School District. Funding for the program at Rio de Valle Middle School comes from the California After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program grant. The Rio School District provides ASES programming in collaboration with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme. Enrichment opportunities include homework assistance, arts, music, physical fitness, and recreation. Program staff provides homework assistance during the daily “Power Hour”, and the after school program staff and Rio School District staff coordinate to provide academic intervention. After school site supervisors and youth development professionals meet the requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), and the after school program maintains a 20:1 student to staff ratio. The program operates each day that students are in school and runs until 6 p.m. The State of California requires participating students to meet the attendance requirements as outlined in the application packet.

Enrollment is open throughout the year, depending on availability. Priority is given to homeless and foster youth and students at risk of not meeting state and district benchmarks. To apply, complete the application below and submit to the after school program site coordinator.


Sheryl Preciado

EXPLORE Site Coordinator

(805) 833-1475

After School Applications


We encourage students to be involved in a variety of school activities including: clubs, tutoring and ASB sponsored trips and
dances. Parents, of any student engaging in disruptive behavior, will be called to pick up their son/daughter from school activities.
Parents are asked to pick up their student promptly at the end of the activity. Note: Students absent from school the day of the
dance/activity may not attend without prior permission from school administration. Students who have been placed on the
administrative Loss of Privilege List must remain off the school grounds during the after school dance/activity.


Rio del Valle offers a wide variety of after school programs including:






School Dances

School Trips


  • After School Programs
  • After School Programs
  • After School Programs  football
  • After School Programs turkey
  • After School Programs
  • After School Programs